A Simple Phrase For Practicing Radical Self Acceptance

Tarun Kohli
3 min readNov 23, 2020
Photo by Colton Duke on Unsplash

“I Am Enough.”

These words flashed on my screen while I was having a 1:1 with a colleague. He switched to the presenter mode in Google Hangouts (hello, remote work) and his wallpaper caught my attention.

I asked his perspective on this phrase while (secretly) judging him for his audacity — Is he delusional? Since when did we, Homo Sapiens, felt even close to being enough? It made me feel as if I was waking up from a deep slumber spanning across millennia. And I was now sitting across a Homo Zenien who was content with who he was.

My mind was racing to find all the profound comebacks on how this phrase was antithetical to our human evolution — the burst of my neural activity could have easily lit up an Indian village. Would we have all the modern comforts or anything that we can’t live without if the cave dwellers would have felt enough? I bet not.

But then he explained — we say these words to our loved ones, friends, colleagues then why not to ourselves? Why can’t we give the same level of compassion, and acceptance to ourselves that we give unconditionally to others?

“We don’t have to wait until we are on our deathbed to realize what a waste of our precious lives it is to carry…



Tarun Kohli

Founder & CEO of quovantis.com, an avid book reader and a student for life.